Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Effects Drugs Have on Urban Communities

{draw:rect} Did most urban communities start out as nice as most suburban communities are today? Yes, they did. The government built subsidized housing complexes for low income households; today they are called â€Å"the projects† or the ghetto. These communities have been run down over the years by vandalism, and crime, most of these criminal activities that take place in these urban communities are drug related. Even though drugs can be bought out of any community, the urban communities are the most effected by drug activities. Drugs are destroying the urban communities. Children can buy drugs off almost every street corner and most of the youth in the urban communities are or have been in jail for drug sales. {draw:frame} Crime rates have gone up in urban communities because of drug activities. Every day an article can be read in the newspaper about crimes in urban communities. Most of these crimes are drug related. The drug dealers that are on the streets get busted for selling drugs almost every day and charged with sale charges and possession charges. Police departments set up sting operations to catch these dealers in the act. Addicts are arrested daily as well. They get caught with drugs they have purchased and receive possession charges. Drug dealers often rob each other for their supply,which results in breaking and entering charges, burglary charges, and sometimes even murder charges. Addicts tend to steal and rob to support their habit and usually get caught and arrested for these crimes. Drug addicts will rob stores, strangers in the street, even family members to get money for their drugs. That is not the only crimes addict commit. While under the influence of drugs some people commit acts they normally would not do, such as killing, stealing, or driving which could result in people getting hurt. They get high and do things without thinking. With all these problems in the urban communities, it becomes difficult to sell property at its book value. It becomes an undesirable place to live. People who are looking for reasonable priced housing get discouraged because of the environment that surrounds these houses. Nobody wants to live in these areas with all the drug related crimes and drug activities that go on. These issues cause the property values to go down in urban communities. Below is a bar graph to show the difference in property values between urban communities and suburban communities. Average Property Values {draw:frame} Even though drugs can be bought out of any community, the urban communities are the most effected by drug activities. Drugs are destroying the urban communities. Children can buy drugs off almost every street corner and most of the youth in the urban communities are or have been in jail for drug sales. I think if the public paid more attention or cared a little more about the drug related problems that are over powering our urban communities, these communities can be taken back from the criminals that have run them down so bad that they are so obsolete in the government’s eyes. Then maybe instead of spending thousands of dollars into communities that don’t really need it, that money could get put to good use in an urban community that really needs improvement. Hernandez, R. (2010). VCStar. com. Scripps Interactive Newspapers Group. Retrieved from http://www. cstar. com/news/2010/feb/09/suspect-went-on-drug-related-crime-spree-tells/ Jonathan Butler. (2004). BROWNSTONER. Retrieved from http://www,brownstoner. com National Drug Intelligence Center. (January 1, 2006. ). National Drug Intelligence Center. Retrieved from http://www. justice. gov/ndic/pubs5/5140/index. htm Secretary of the Publications Board. (2010). United nations. Retrieved from http://www. un. org/esa/so cdev/poverty/subpages/iyephab. htm The world bank group. (2010). Urban poverty. Retrieved from http://: http://go. worldbank. org/QH7WZFCPK0

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Judging yourself

This is a strong trial that could go well over either way. Even though the state at this point in time does not have a right-to-die statue I believe it should. A doctor that one is seeking help and care from should have no say how he/she (the patient) should die. By definition a doctor is â€Å"a person licensed to practice medicine, as a physician, surgeon, dentist, or veterinarian (dictionary. com)†. Nowhere in that description does it explain a person licensed to declare rightful legal euthinization.Being the daughter of a terminal cancer patient is hard enough. I can't imagine having the extra stress of monitoring how your mother or father dies in the hospital bed. Having a state law for the right to die statue could save so many more families from extra heartache. After all it plan and simple is your very own life to live and if one wants to die in a certain way; by golly they should be allowed to. Plan and simple the statue involves, shifting the right-to-die laws from g ranting permission for death to defining hat constitutes causing a premature death.Thereby allowing choosing timely death will require new thinking within the right-to-die movement. But this second approach is likely to be supported by more people who formerly were undecided about the right-to-die. We all want to avoid premature death for ourselves. And we can support new laws that prohibit helping or causing anyone to die too soon. But this still becomes an issue because everyone has different opinions and views on life death and even health treatments.Looking on the court side the law against causing premature death specifies safeguards that might be fulfilled in order to prove that the death was timely rather than premature. And because these sateguards are included in the written law, no Judge can exclude such facts and opinions from any subsequent trial. A great example would be the last trial of Jack Kevorkian was lost because the defense could not offer testimony from the pat ient and the family that death at this time was the best possible alternative.The Judge ruled that all such facts and opinions were irrelevant. The only question was whether Jack Kevorkian gave a lethal injection. â€Å"If Dr. Kevorkian had been charged with causing premature death, he would never have been sent to prison because the death of Thomas Youk† who was dying of ALS†was not premature (Park, Permission)†. The fact that he died a timely death would have been proven by presenting safeguards that were fulfilled in choosing the best time for him to die.

Monday, July 29, 2019

The Representation of Women in New Turkish Cinema Essay

The Representation of Women in New Turkish Cinema - Essay Example The improvement in the popularity of the movies is seen as a greater contrast with the yester years of the Turkish movies. This has seen the rise of new directors into the film industry who immensely contributed to a new wave of the Turkish cinema. The local nature of the cinema most often is portrayed meaning movies that exhibit unique cultural fundamentals and terms of Turkish custom, amusement and historical context, could be grounds that viewers are drawn to these general movies of regional directors. These features are striking for a social order that wishes to identify themselves in movies but also nationality and distinctiveness in all its descriptions, profiles and forms are linked to this particular acknowledgment in cinema. However, New Turkish cinema has been hit by a wave of criticism over the representation of women. Presently, women are still being represented pessimistically in Turkish cinema. According to the observation of the various movies by Zeki Demirkubuzâ€℠¢s, the role of women has considerably been ignored by the fact that these movies put emphasis on the male characters. Failure to include women in these movies has sparkled protest on the representation of the male perspective and impartiality in the female role. In spite, the poor representation of women in the movies, prostitution prevails as a subtheme for most movies. The absence can be attributed to be negative in relation to gender politics. These films have profoundly subordinated women to men. The absence is a representation of the patriarchal practices that are still prevalence within the Turkish society. This has never been in any way considered a coincidence as there female parts are extremely silenced. However, in reviews, the issue of silencing of women has never been addressed but only in a few articles around Turkey (Dadak & Kostepen, 2007). The case of imitating patriarchal customs is the basis of debates surrounding Zeki Demirkubuz movies. Demirkubuz’s role i n challenging or reproducing patriarchy is indistinguishable. In a dialogue, with Altyaz? magazine, Zeki Demirkubuz castoffs that he does not include women in most of his movies; however he rejects feminist consideration of the person focusing on patriarchal affairs, sexism and male aggression (Ziraman, 2008). Demirkubuz’s declaration makes evident that he is not behind the patriarchal aggression on women, and physical, as well as spoken violence wielded on prostitutes (Operli & F?rat, 2007). The existence of patriarchal associations between actors, insults and domestic violence can be understood as awkward analysis of the social order, which is also subjected by gender social orders and patriarchy. Possible tribulations faced by women such as infidelity, rape, domestic brutality, rumors about morality are revealed in the movie in a normal way, which can be understood as the upholding of the patriarchy. The female standpoints and stories are set aside in most of these movies a complete show of the patriarchal practices. Turkish cinema can be considered a better source to understand the females struggle against silence in an attempt to ensure equality, as well as their identity (Ulusoy, 2010). Conversely, women feel lost within the dominated society where they are discriminated against (Umut, 2009). Despite the inclusion of women in various movies, they get included because they

Sunday, July 28, 2019

The Early Development and History of Movies Essay

The Early Development and History of Movies - Essay Example It took America a year to catch up, and Edwin S. Porter produced a twenty minute film, The Great Train Robbery. In these two early films, one can see the start of two of movie's most popular genres, the sci-fi movie, and the western film.( ) D.W. Griffith was one of the leading filmmakers of his, and arguably in all of filmmaking. He first stumbled upon Hollywood in 1910, and filmed the first movie there, In Old California. In his career, he filmed over 450 short films, a massive amount for any filmmaker to reach. (Griffith 2006) By 1912 Hollywood became the center of American film and cinema. D.W. Griffith made many leaps and bounds in the now growing field. He used such techniques as multiple cameras and different angels, as well as his use of cross fading, fading in and out, and even flash backs. These are techniques still used today in the film industry, and that greatly add to film as a quality and living art form. () One of his films, The Birth of a Nation, was a three hour long silent film about the American Civil War. Although the film was a marvel technology wise, the portrayal of blacks in the movie help stimulate an already breeding negative image. The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People tried to have the filmed banned, and when those efforts failed, they attempted to have certain scenes they found especially revolting censored. D. W.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Systems and Operationsmanagement Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Systems and Operationsmanagement - Coursework Example Various theories of operation and process management have been visited in the case study to formulate the appropriate recommendations. Since inception in 1970, Airbus has had to maintain a corporate goal of lunching a competitive fight that would enable the realisation of a sustainable market share. Despite the competitive nature of the market from major players such as Boeing and Lockheed, Airbus kept the nerve to initiate bold investment projects that enabled it to grow and reach the global status. A winning corporate combination of practices such as operations and strategy management ought to have played a major role in the rise of the company. To surpass its anticipated entry into the market, Airbus management had to venture into more challenging business that no one else had ventured into. An ambitious diversification of the organisation package of market participation was identified as the solution to keeping up with the pace of the market’s dynamic challenges. To this end, Airbus rolled out one of the most daring ventures amid internal capacity issues. Such a venture is the A380 project that became too much of a challenge along its initial implementation. Perhaps with the best operations and process realignments that corporations in this age need to armour their planning with, the success of the A380 project at Airbus would be a different story. An analysis of the project using insights postulated by systems and operations management theory has been used in the case study of the A380 project to highlight useful corporate lessons worth of sieving from the failures thereon. Airbus systems and operations logistics were evolving at an increasing rate since its founding in 1970 aiming to formulate a consortium of air transport initially covering Britain, Spain, Germany and France. As a consortium, it was not clear if the

Friday, July 26, 2019

The working class of Indian mens working in the field of Fashion Dissertation

The working class of Indian mens working in the field of Fashion - Dissertation Example The study "The working class of Indian mens working in the field of Fashion" talks about The working class of Indian fashion Industry. With industrialization and mass production fashion got a new shape in the western world. Fashion industry has became more popular when combined with visual effects, that is through the art of photography which brings the outcomes of the designers to the doors of common people through different print media forms. on one hand photography makes the dresses and models all the more attractive and famous, while on the other, it makes the conceptual loopholes quite prominent. The 16 page editorial published in the Vogue Issue of August 2008 in India sees the new nation as a place where even the poor class takes to expensive brands and carries it off gracefully. Hence Vogue attempts to make fashion reach out to all classes of people instead of the wealthy ones or celebrities. The magazine published some photos of lower middle class people flaunting expensive branded clothes and accessories. However this kind of portrayal drew lots of controversy because the people modeling in the magazine belonged to the similar class, which witnessed suicides and poverty. What becomes prominent in this discussion is the strong influence of western culture or the cultural dependency witnessed by the Indian fashion industry. Yet, the same fashion trends which has been a pride of the glamour seeking people of the upper middle class and wealthy sections are now imposed upon. those working class people who are merely able to cover their cost of production of labor hours and some who are not even able to do so. They perhaps belong to the class of contractual or casual workers who thrive to make both ends meet. When we think of the designers and fashion photographers a finger might be raised at their sensitivity towards the human dignity. It hurts when one sees the contrast between the social status and the expensive brands. Why would a person thriving for ba re survival want to use a Burberry umbrella? Even if we assume this might one day become an economically viable option, the individual might not decide to flaunt his money through these brands even if he can afford it. The middle class people working in the fashion industry (photographers, designers and editors of fashion magazines) need to be sensitive to the ethical viability of any form of art which represents fashion trends. This prompts us to ask the question: Can Vogue’s way of representing ‘new India’ support Realism or it is an example of Aestheticism in fashion photography? II. LITERATURE REVIEW This section attempts to discuss the theories of Realism and Aestheticism in visual art and how they apply to fashion photography in particular. Reviews of different literatures are covered to learn about the evolution of fashion industry in India and the works of different fashion photographers including the way they portray fashion in the daily lives of the soc iety. The study incorporates details regarding the middle class people working in the fashion industry of India and how they portray culture and economy through their works. How the trends change along with the impact of globalization and economic upgradation. At the end of the review one might raise questions about ethics and priorities while portraying

The Perspective on Teaching Biology Research Paper

The Perspective on Teaching Biology - Research Paper Example The first one is a book with the title Influencer: The Power to Change Anything1. The second one is a report on Healthcare Community Discussions, which has been issued by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. The paper has an introduction. Next, there is a discussion on leadership in health care followed by a section on leadership characteristics that are important for a Biology teacher. Finally, there is the conclusion part. Leadership in Healthcare In general, a leader is essentially somebody who can provide guidance. And importantly, he/she should be innovative as well. By utilizing experiential insight and specialist skills to help the subordinates achieve their pursuit, a leader can change and/or decide the very way of working of an organization or system (Sashkin and Sashkin, 2003). In this way, the leader should be a capable influencer too. And in complicated work environments, the leaders have to be â€Å"master influencers† (Patterson et al, 2008, p.67). I n the healthcare sector, leaders must be gifted with an ability to influence people. Contextually, Patterson et al (2008) have given the example of Dr. Don Berwick. Dr. Berwick wants to minimize the number of the patients who die or suffer seriously due to the mistakes of the healthcare professionals who attend them. ...   Something similar is happening in the American Association for Respiratory Care (AARC) as well. This nonprofit professional organization is trying to obtain ample and effective leadership development patterns to facilitate the respiratory therapists. Most of the leaders in contemporary respiratory care are expected to â€Å"jump in headfast†, which leads to a â€Å"sink or swim time† for them (Bunch, 2010). Consequently, AARC has developed a Leadership Institute that caters to the needs of the caregivers who have to lead their departments, peers, and communities. In sum, leadership in healthcare is already a field of extensive academic and empirical activities with substantial implications. Leadership Characteristics of a Biology Teacher In the making of a healthcare professional, concepts related to the Life Sciences are very important. While learning the school level lessons of Biology, the learners develop a basic understanding of healthcare. For example, topics like Anatomy, Physiology, Communicable Diseases, Health and Hygiene, etc. form the basic foundation of healthcare. A Biology teacher must help his/her students to learn the subject in such a way that he/she can prepare for the key career options in the field. Of course, all students who study Biology in the school do not necessarily become healthcare professionals. But every healthcare professional should have studied Biology at the school level. In other words, knowledge of Biology is an essential requirement for the healthcare professionals.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Week 3 student replys Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Week 3 student replys - Essay Example The post gives an enlightening account of the involvement of Tempo Air in every stage of construction, and until the home is actually occupied and being lived in by the homeowner and his/her family. It is clear that inspection and testing is undertaken, and that the ultimate results have to do with reduction of energy bills, elimination of problems involving moisture content, and enhancement of indoor air quality or IAQ. What appears vague is the particular process undertaken by Tempo Air in the course of achieving its objectives. Why is there a need for Tempo Air to be involved in the early stages of the home (or building) construction when the matter of indoor climate control is a matter that can be addressed only after the building has been constructed? Is it not just a matter of choosing the right brand of air-conditioning units and the right horsepower rating that it could deliver? The post ends with a mention of ‘segmentation’ as separating the company Tempo Air from less reputable firms. I believe ‘segmentation’ in that sense does not refer to market segmentation, which distinguishes between customer-groups. Segmentation should refer to the groups of consumers which the company distinguishes and targets for its goods and services. Neuhaus, E & Schellen, H (2006) ‘Conservatism Heating to Control Relative Humaidity and Create Museum Indoor Conditions in an Monumental Building.’ Retrieved from A very informed query is propounded by Kevin Gillin on the post describing St. Jude Medical, a high-tech medical devices manufacturer and distributor. The products and services of St. Jude are vital in extending the lives of people, and the Affordable Health Care Act (Obamacare) may have material impact on the medical devices industry (Forbes, 2013) to which St. Jude

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Managerial Finance Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Managerial Finance - Assignment Example c) The utility company can take out a large debt as it is able to sustain it as it generates enough revenue throughout the year to finance the debt where a software company which works on one of orders and generates revenue on successful orders completed hence they cannot afford to reduce their profitability and revenues by taking debt and then giving interest on it. d) The investor would not invest all the investment in one company as this will increase risk. When the investment is spread over all the various companies and various industries of different nature the inherent risk of investment is diversified and minimized. P2-15 a) The company has a very effective sales collection system in place and as per the figures the company has a defective rate of 12.5% and rest of the sales in other terms have been collected in cash or were already collected as per the system. b) Yes it would increase the entire debt from a 12.5% to a staggering 16.67% which would mean the company is effectiv ely loosing 16.67% of the 75% sales that it is making which is a huge problem for the company.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Soviet Dissidents Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Soviet Dissidents - Essay Example During the cold war , the dissidents by their sheer presence were able to bring out the hollowness of Soviet claims that theirs was also a form of democracy and they had the unanimous support of people behind them. Thus historically, the dissidents have played a very important part in how the Western countries have viewed Soviet Union as a country. Because of the oppressive nature in which these dissidents were handled, the democratic faade of Soviet Union crashed and the differences between East and West became hugely apparent. The dissidents managed to reveal the actual manner of political repression in Soviet Union. Those who disagreed with the government's policies were arrested and sent to labor camps. Rather than acting as a deterrent to others, such actions prompted other dissidents to publicize these arrests using western media. When the government tried to arrest more people, more information started coming out from these camps - the stories about labor camps and psychiatric hospitals where prisoners were treated inhumanly and subjected to mental and physical torture. All this information caused a huge uproar against the government both within and outside the Soviet Union. By gathering and circulating information, they were able to draw attention to the plights of Jews and other minorities, non-Russians seeking to emigrate, and many others-whose situation had been little noticed. In 1965, two young writes -- Andrei Sinyavsky and Yuli Daniel were sentenced to long labor camp sentences for publishing their works abroad. The international reaction was immediate and harsh and this seriously damaged the image of the Soviet Union. But government refused to budge and both Sinyavsky and Daniel had to serve their labor camp terms, but the Soviet Union never again imprisoned a writer for his writing. Later other dissident writers such as Alexander Solzhenitsyn were forcibly exiled while Vladimir Voinovich, Vasily Aksyonov, and Georgy Vladimov emigrated under pressure. But by then, these dissidents had been fairly successful in bring out in open the conflict in the Russian society. Their efforts also gained them some relief such as freedom of expression ( to a certain extent), allowing of mass emigration from Soviet Union. Before the 1970s, it was virtually impossible to leave the Soviet Union legally. Finally the decision was made to allow Jews to emigrate under a formula - that they were returning to their "historic homeland". And finally, they influenced the government's treatment of dissenters themselves. Earlier, one of the dissidents -- Yuri Galanskov died while serving his sentence in a Soviet labor camp. But later on, Soviet authorities kept the well-known dissidents alive. They could afford to let them die because of fear of reprisal from western countries. They also star ted reducing and avoiding the arrests of prominent dissidents and allowed them to continue their activities. Of course, they were kept under tight surveillance. Although some section of western media thinks that soviet dissidents were paid more than the due attention, but the fact remains that had these people not made their voices heard, the Soviet Union we see today having more liberal attitude would not have emerged. Let us take a look at some of the dissidents and how they helped in influencing the government attitudes. One of the main dissidents Aleksandr Isayevich Solzhenitsyn was a prominent novelist and

Monday, July 22, 2019

Personality psychology Essay Example for Free

Personality psychology Essay â€Å"We are born at a given moment, in a given place and, like vintage years of wine, we have the qualities of the year and of the season of which we are born. Astrology does not lay claim to anything more† (Carl Gustav Jung). Ever since humans looked toward the sky for some kind of meaning to life and answers to the big questions, astrology has been a part of many people’s lives. It is also known to hold knowledge on one’s personality and character. After reading my Pisces personality profile, I realized that there are similarities and differences between my personality and the profile provided. Aside from the similarities, the profile also consists of traits which are different from my own. I feel that I am a long term planners and I am very decisive about my life goals as opposed to the profile which says that Pisces â€Å"[go] where the wind blows†. I feel that I am a very determined person and example of this is that in grade 8, I had thought about each and every single major step stone in my life. I had decided that I would go into McMasters to study Health Sciences, then go into UFT medical school, complete 3 years of specialization in neurology and after completing my residency, become a neurosurgeon. Saying that I go where the wind blows is an invalid statement. In addition, I do not feel that I have a strong connection with music which again disobeys the profile personality. It says that Pisces â€Å"[are] often channeled into creative outlets,† and have a strong connection in â€Å"music and film†. I feel it very hard to connect to music personally because I feel I have no relations with the topics a singer sings about. Even though certain music can be inspirational and represent an important topic, most of today’s music just seems to be about money, fame and girls. Just yesterday I felt depressed due though personal circumstances and thought music might aid but I personally had no relief. Moreover, I also disagree with the fact that I have â€Å"a feminine nature†. I consider myself being more masculine and bold. In particular, during my summer job when my employer asked me to do something I felt was unsafe, I gallantly spoke out whereas if I had a feminine nature I might have said nothing. As a result I feel that certain elements of this personality profile do not match with mine. In conclusion, there are similarities and differences between my personality and the profile personality provided. Even though it consisted of several traits which I felt resembled me, it also contained traits which I could not relate to. Scientists have always dismissed astrology as a load of old bunk. Now, a British astronomer has said that there might be something in it after all. Could the planets really control our fates? Bibliography Yoga, Lexi. 101 Astrology Quotes. October 2009. Web. 11 September 2010 .

Strategies for Forecasting Emergency Department Demand

Strategies for Forecasting Emergency Department Demand A Multivariate Time Series Approach to Modeling and Forecasting Demand in the Emergency Department Introduction: Reports by the General Accounting Office, American College of Emergency Physicians, and the Institute of Medicine (IOM) depict an overburdened United States crisis care framework described by congestion and patient consideration delays. From 1993 to 2003 crisis division (ED) visits expanded by 26% while the quantity of EDs diminished by 9%. These shifts in supply and interest have made a situation in which numerous EDs consistently work at or past their composed limit. A 2002 study charged by the American Hospital Association found that roughly 66% of every last one of EDs overviewed accept that they are working at or above limit. The same study found that the impression of congestion is absolutely related with the intricacy of administrations the doctors facility offers and is more predominant among clinics in urban settings. Notwithstanding having an antagonistic effect on patient and clinician fulfillment, ED congestion has malicious impacts on the both the quality and timetables of consideration conveyed in the ED. Expanding interest consolidated with developing lack of ED administrations makes the productive allotment of ED assets progressively imperative. In their report, the IOM prescribes that clinics use data innovation and utilization operations research techniques to end up more productive [3]. Interest anticipating is one such technique, determining is a broadly pertinent, multi-disciplinary science, and is a fundamental movement that is utilized to guide choice making in numerous zones of financial, mechanical, and experimental arranging. Demonstrating and anticipating interest is a dynamic territory of request among crisis medication scientists. Models and strategies that may be valuable for giving choice backing continuously for operational and asset portion errands have been quite compelling. A mixture of distinctive techniques have been proposed as suitable method for gauging request in the ED, a percentage of the proposed routines are: uni-variate time arrangement demonstrating, r ecreation displaying, queuing hypothesis, and machine learning strategies. The last goal was to investigate the potential utility of our multivariate determining models to give choice backing continuously for available to come back to work attendant staffing. The capacity to powerfully conform and assign staffing assets is prone to develop in significance as regulations obliging doctors facilities and EDs to hold fast to medical caretaker staffing proportions get to be more normal. The most settled samples of such government regulations exist in the condition of California where healing facilities have been obliged to watch particular patient-to-medical caretaker proportions subsequent to 2004. These regulations are questionable; in any case, government regulation of patient-to-attendant staffing proportions in different parts of the nation is plausible and pertinent enactment is being proposed on both the state and Federal levels. In spite of the fact that medical attendant staffing proportions remain politically dubious, the logical proof is convincing th at these proportions have a critical effect on nature of consideration, and a powerful group of writing has amassed showing that decreases in the patient-to-attendant proportion are connected with huge diminishments in mortality, unfavorable occasions, and patient length of sit tight. Methods: Study design: This was a review study utilizing totaled information for the year 2006 that was extricated from ED data frameworks. The neighborhood institutional survey board sanction this study and waived the necessity for educated assent. Study setting: This study was led utilizing information gathered from three healing centers worked by Inter-mountain Healthcare, a not-for-profit incorporated conveyance arrange that works clinics and facilities in Utah and southern Idaho. The three clinics were picked in light of the fact that they change in size and setting and the way in which the ED interfaces with whatever is left of the clinic. Table beneath gives unmistakable measurements to every clinic, and extra significant office attributes take after. Table 1  Operational descriptive statistics for three hospitals and hospital emergency departments (ED) Hospital Inpatient beds Trauma designation Teaching hospital ED beds (hall beds) Dedicated laboratory POCT Dedicated radiography Dedicated radiologist service Average hospital occupancy (SD)†  1 270 NA No 27 (5) No No No Yes 69.08% (15.16%) 2 475 Level I Yes 25 (7) No Yes Yes No 81.88% (9.22%) 3 350 Level II No 28 (4) Yes No Yes Yes 82.23% (9.59%) Hospital Average ED patients per day (SD) Average ED patient wait time (SD) Average ED patient LOS (SD) Admission rate Average ED patient board time (SD) Hospital occupancy >90% 1 144.75 (18.08) 33.78 (26.95) 168.81 (114.47) 9.50% 105.54 (69.22) 5.75% 2 108.20 (12.50) 23.07 (17.23) 183.47 (106.07) 21.20% 77.86 (54.88) 21.37% 3 120.60 (16.50) 50.24 (41.56) 185.38 (112.97) 14.50% 109.48 (97.88) 25.48% Point of care laboratory testing. † Average midday (12 pm) inpatient hospital occupancy during 2006.  §Percent of time midday census exceeded 90% during 2006. Data collection and processing: Information for this investigation were extricated from Intermountain Healthcares Oracle based electronic information distribution center. Accumulated hourly information were separated by means of SQL questions. Measures of statistics were gathered for every hour. ED patient evaluation was spoken to as the tally of patients either sitting tight for or getting treatment in the ED. Inpatient enumeration was characterized as the quantity of patients possessing an inpatient bed. Interest for research facility assets was measured as the quantity of lab batteries (e.g., complete blood check) that were gathered amid a given hour (e.g., 12:00:00–12:59:59). Preparatory examination showed that 26 basic lab batteries (Appendix A) represented pretty nearly 80% of the research facility volumes at the EDs included in this investigation. With a specific end goal to better study the effect of inpatient request on ED request we verified that it would be most fitting to cutoff our examination t o a center arrangement of research facility tests for which a noteworthy increment popular inside or remotely could have harmful impacts on ED operations. Thusly, just this center arrangement of 26 research facility batteries was incorporated in our numbers of ED and inpatient lab volumes. Comparative basis drove us to center our investigation on the interest for radiography and CT, as these two modalities represented right around 90% of the interest for radiology administrations at the EDs examined. We gathered the quantity of radiography and CT examining requests for every hour from the ED and inpatient healing center. Extra variables gathered incorporate hourly numbers of patient entries. All variables gathered and included in our investigation are abridged in Table underneath. Table 2Time series variables collected for analysis and inclusion in multivariate forecasting models Variable Definition ED arrivals Count of patients arriving to the ED during a given hour ED census Count of patients waiting for or receiving service in the ED on the hour ED laboratory orders Count of laboratory batteries ordered in the ED during a given hour ED radiography orders Count of radiography orders made in the ED during a given hour ED computed tomography (CT) orders Count of CT orders made in the ED during a given hour Inpatient census Count of patients occupying an inpatient bed on the hour Inpatient laboratory orders Count of laboratory batteries ordered in the inpatient hospital during a given hour Inpatient radiography orders Count of radiography orders made in the inpatient hospital during a given hour Inpatient CT orders Count of CT orders made in the inpatient hospital during a given hour Outcome measures Out-of-sample forecast accuracy was assessed for forecast horizons ranging from one to 24à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¦h in advance by calculating the mean absolute error (MAE). The MAE is a frequently used and intuitive measure of forecast accuracy that measures the magnitude of the deviation between the predicted and observed values of a given time series. For a series of predicted valuesand the corresponding series of observed values (y1,y2,†¦,yn) (1) Model validation and forecasting Our essential target was to assess the legitimacy of our models as far as their capacity to give precise post-test conjectures of registration and of the interest for indicative assets in the ED. This was finished through a reproduced post-test estimating situation in which we incrementally extended the preparation set by 1à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¦h and afterward produced figures for every single endogenous variable for skylines going from one to 24à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¦h ahead. This methodology empowered us to create one to 24à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¦h ahead figures for every one of the 840à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¦h in the acceptance set. We assessed the estimate precision of our models by registering the MAE for every figure skyline (1–24à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¦h). We analyzed the gauge exactness attained to utilizing the VAR models to a benchmark uni-variate guaging technique. The benchmark strategy picked was occasional Holt-Winters exponential smoothing. Exponential smoothing is a standout amongst the most common determining strategies and in light of its prosperity and incessant utilization we felt that it gave a reasonable benchmark. The last goal was to investigate the potential utility of our multivariate determining models to give choice backing continuously for operational and asset designation undertakings. To do this we assessed the oppressive force of the yield from our gauging models in anticipating cases when satisfactory patient-to-medical attendant proportions would be surpassed. We utilized the four to one ED patient to ED attendant proportion that is commanded by the condition of California as our reference standard of an adequate patient-to-medical caretaker proportion. We characterized any occurrence where the watched ED registration surpassed the normal ED statistics by four or more patients (i.e., the ED is understaffed by a full attendant) as a case of under-staffing. We confirmed that in these cases it would be valuable to have propelled cautioning that would empower an extra RN to be reached preceding the adequate patient-to-attendant proportion being surpassed. Keeping in mind the end goal to do this we entered the figure deviation from the normal ED enumeration (conjecture ED censusà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢Ë†â€™Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ED expected registration) for figures made 1–12à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¦h ahead of time into a solitary variable logistic relapse model. The biased force of the single variable logistic relapse models taking into account the gauged deviation to anticipate occurrences of under-staffing was surveyed through the observational figuring of the full region under the collector working trademark bend (AROC) for every estimate skyline. Every measurable analysis including the determining model improvement and assessment were performed utilizing the R factual program. Table 3p-Values for bivariate Granger-causality tests conducted using the data from Hospital 1, column labels indicate which variable is being evaluated as a leading indicator (regressor), and row labels indicate which variable is being evaluated as the dependent variable Dependent variable Regressor ED Census ED labs ED radiography ED CT Inpatient census Inpatient labs Inpatient radiography Inpatient CT ED census NA 0.11 0.95 0.94 0.93 0.90 ED laboratories NA 0.39 0.24 0.21 0.09 0.23 0.59 ED radiography NA 0.54 0.71 0.37 0.25 0.02 ED CT NA 0.97 0.89 0.45 0.63 Inpatient census 0.98 0.88 0.16 0.24 NA 0.08 0.68 Inpatient laboratory 0.91 0.54 0.96 0.66 NA Inpatient radiography 0.74 0.98 0.51 0.74 NA Inpatient CT 0.35 0.11 0.25 0.07 NA Table 4Goodness-of-fit statistics (MultipleR2) for each endogenous variable included in the eighth order vector autoregression model for Hospital 1 Endogenous variable MultipleR2 ED census 0.97 ED laboratory volumes 0.80 ED CT volumes 0.50 ED radiography volumes 0.70 Inpatient census 0.99 Inpatient laboratory volumes 0.91 Inpatient CT volumes 0.71 Inpatient radiography volumes 0.88 Forecasting results Since our graphic investigations showed that almost no prescient worth was liable to be picked up by including variables speaking to inpatient request in estimating models for interest in the ED, we chose to fit two VAR models for every Hospital. VAR demonstrate 1, or the full model, included both inpatient and ED variables, while VAR display 2 included just ED variables. Both VAR models included ED understanding entries as an exogenous variable. Every model was equipped for creating conjectures just for the endogenous variables included in the model; in this manner, VAR display 1 created figures for inpatient and also ED variables, while VAR show 2 produced gauges just for ED variables. Since the accentuation of this study is gauging request in the ED we just report measures of exactness for ED variables. The consequences of our post-test model approval are introduced for every office. For every figure we present measures of the estimate slip (MAE) for conjecture skylines extending from 1 to 24à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¦h ahead for ED registration, lab, radiography, and CT volumes. Every figure demonstrates the MAE accomplished utilizing VAR models 1 and 2 and the gauge precision utilizing Holt-Winters exponential smoothing. At Hospitals 1 and 2, VAR models 1 and 2 gave more precise estimates of interest for all ED variables for conjecture skylines up to 24à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¦h ahead when contrasted with the benchmark uni-variate anticipating technique. At Hospital 3, VAR models 1 and 2 gave better or equivalent figure exactness for skylines up to 24à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¦h for ED patient statistics, and for ED research center and radiography volumes. We distinguished almost no contrast between the estimating execution of the full model, display 1, and the model that just joined ED variables, demonstrate 2. This outcome verifies what we found amid our distinct examinations, i.e., that minimal prescient quality would be gathered by demonstrating the collaboration between inter est in the ED and the inpatient doctors facility. Fig. 11 exhibits four different plots, in the first we see the watched contrasted with the normal ED evaluation (taking into account recorded midpoints) for one week (11/26/2006–12/2/2006) at Hospital 2. This figure demonstrates that in a few examples amid this specific week (e.g., Thursday and Friday evening) there were vast deviations (12 patients or all the more) in the watched ED enumeration from the normal ED statistics. The three remaining plots in Figure present the watched ED registration contrasted with the guage ED statistics at 1, 2, and 3à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¦h ahead. These plots demonstrate that 1à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¦h ahead utilizing model 2 we have the capacity to figure ED statistics at a high level of exactness, at 2à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¦h ahead our expectations are less precise yet ready to foresee critical takeoffs from typical ED evaluation levels, and at 3à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¦h ahead our forecasts start to relapse towar ds the normal ED registration. Fig. 12 presents watched, expected, and anticipated research center volumes in the same route as in Fig. 11 for that week. Pretty much just like the case with ED statistics, Fig. 12 display critical variety even in the wake of representing hourly and week after week cycles. On the other hand, dissimilar to ED evaluation our model does not seem to do almost also at foreseeing compelling flights from expected standards even at short. Conclusion: VAR models gave understanding into the elements of interest in the ED and the inpatient healing facility at our neighborhood destinations, and gave more exact gauges of ED statistics for stretched out conjecture skylines when contrasted with standard univariate time arrangement techniques.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Relationship between Foreign Direct Investment and Growth

Relationship between Foreign Direct Investment and Growth Chapter 1: INTRODUCTION This study will give us an opportunity to identify the determinants of FDI that develops economic growth, to understand the importance of foreign direct investment (FDI) in enhancing the economic growth in Malaysia, and also the relationship between (FDI) and the economic growth in Malaysia. In this chapter of study, the main focus will be on research background, research objectives, research questions and also the significant of study. Research Background 1.1.1 The Trend of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) Flow in Malaysia The relationship between the growths of FDI with countries has been a debatable issue for several decades. This has become an eye opener which agreed by (Karimi, Sharift and Yusop, 2009, p.2) which drive policymakers to engage in incentives such as export processing zone and tax incentive in order to attract FDI. However, the determinant of FDI in each country is different and failure to understand how a specific country can attract FDI will bring difficulties to changes in economy. In the case of Malaysia, in 2007 the economy was ranked at 29th largest economy in the world with gross domestic products that worth to be $357.9billion (World Bank, 2007). Despite the impact of many externalities such as, oil crises in 1970s, to downturn in electronic industry in 1980s, and majorly impact the Asian financial crisis in 1997s. According to (Ministry of Finance, 2006) the growth of economy in Malaysia was consistent from 1988 to 1996 and maintain the economic annual growth of 7-10% per annu m, by the year 2005 the main source of growth was the manufacturing sector whose share of GDP increase to 31.4 percent. The key driver for the ongoing performance of Malaysias economy is the result of policy reform which is a determinant Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) which enhances the economic growth of Malaysia. The evidence here can be seen by (Ministry of Finance, 2001) introducing the Investment Incentives Act 1968, free trade zones in early 1970s, and export incentives with open policy in 1980s has led to an establishment of FDI in the 1980s. One good example to show that the government has use policy as a determinant of FDI would be, The Promotion of Investment Act (PIA) 1986 which gave a larger percentage of foreign equity ownership in order to attract FDI to enhance economy of Malaysia. This graph illustrates the FDI inflow from 1970-2004 in Malaysia. This research shown that (Har, Teo and Yee, 2008, p.12) FDI stock in Malaysia grew tremendously from 1970s to 1990s, despite fluctuation between the years, and the growth of FDI has been promising from $94 million dollars in 1970s to $2.6 billion by 1990s. Unfortunately, in the early 1990s, the rate of FDI inflow has decrease because of the slowdown investment in Malaysia by two main sources of investors which is Japan and Taiwan. As of 1996, the FDI rate (Har, Teo and Yee, 2008, p.12) has reach its peak when Malaysia successfully accumulated $7.3 billion dollar, by the end of 1998. There has been a major reduction in FDI inflow due to the financial crisis in 1997 that affected many Southeast Asia countries. Unfortunately, by the early 2000s the inflow of FDI in Malaysia has been unpredictable and inconsistent, but still manages to generate average inflow of $3billion per year. In 2007, Malaysias inward (FDI) performance index has reduce compared to the inward (FDI) potential index which shows that Malaysia lack the capability to attract foreign investors in this recent years as seen in table1, and the key factors is because neighboring countries such as China, and India has much more attractive offers such as lower labor cost that make their business more efficient. Since the inflow FDI has been decreasing, Malaysia was ranked 71 in 2007. The table above explains that inward FDI inflow in Malaysia were only US $ 8,043 million and it was only 2.6% of total inflow of FDI to Asia and by that time China has possesses the share of as much as 26.05%.(World Investment Report, 2008) The conclusion can be made here is that Malaysias reduction inflow of FDI is mainly because their incentive are becoming less competitive compared to other countries in Asia. Problem Statement FDI is strongly recommended to achieve consistent economic growth and resulting in modernisation in industrialisation and raise the living standards of the society. There are many determinants regarding FDI and based incentive policy is one of them. Research shows that (Lam and Liew, 2009, p.435) 2 main assumption of this incentive are that high monetary incentive allows FDI to be attracted easier and high inflow of FDI might lead to higher economic growth. Unfortunately, incentive is not necessary monetary-based like tax exemption but can be a long term relationship that seeks for mutual benefits of both sides. The evidence can be seen that the total inflow of FDI into the region of South East Asia, East Asia and South Asia has increased by 15% to USD 165million in 2005 but for Malaysia despite the fact that many monetary based incentives is provided, Malaysia still experiencing a decrease in foreign direct investment. (Tomlinson, Abdullah, Kolesnikov and Jessop, 2006) In 1990, Mala ysia was ranked 4th in the world for FDI, but was ranked 62th in 2005 and recorded negative inflow of net foreign direct investment in the year 2007 More attention should be given by government, researchers and policy makers to identify the problem and produce the solution that can stimulate the FDI in Malaysia. Much research has been done to stimulate FDI, but a lot lesser research has been carried out considering international relations because mostly focus on microeconomic aspect of domestic firm performance. It is very important for foreign investors to gain confidence to invest in Malaysia, hence enhance the economic growth in Malaysia. More research should be done to determinant other determinants of FDI in order to develop the performance of economy in Malaysia. It is very important for more research to be done on FDI with international relation in order to identify the determinants of FDI that can stimulate the economic growth of Malaysia and not on incentive that only focuses on profit maximization of one sided benefits. Research Objectives The objective of carrying out this study is as below: To review the determinants of FDI that is affecting economic growth in Malaysia To analyze the relationship between FDI and economic growth in Malaysia. To evaluate some policy actions related to increase the inflow of FDI in Malaysia. Research Questions This study is conducted to address the following research questions: Do the determinants of FDI inflow affect the economic growth in Malaysia? Will relationship with FDI result in bloom of economic growth in Malaysia? How policy actions can increase the inflow of FDI in Malaysia? Chapter 2 : LITERATURE REVIEW 2.0 Introduction In this section, a review of literature will provide us with a better understanding of the determinant of FDI and the growth of economic in Malaysia. This chapter focuses on the empirical studies on the role of FDI in the economic growth of host countries. Furthermore, a conceptual framework of these variables will be provided. 2.1 Review of Literature 2.1.1 Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) has associate with many leading roles in development of host countries such as source of capital, new job opportunities, diffusion of new technology into country, and develop overall economic growth of host countries. Empirical studies have been carried out to show the relationship between FDI and economic growth while others focuses more on the causality of these two variables. Different methods are use by research to find out the determinants of FDI and the relationship it has with economic growth of host countries. By using cross-section data and OLS regression, Balasubramanyam (1996) found out that host countries that impose export promoting strategy produce positive growth of FDI on the economic growth but this does not apply to host countries as imposes import substitution strategy. Cross-sectional data has also conclude that high level of institutional capability which measured by degree of property right protection and bureaucratic efficiency in host country leads to a positive effect of FDI which enhances the economic growth of host countries. (Olofsdotter, 1998) In the work of Borensztein, et al. (1998), they utilize the cross country regression framework to analyse the effect of FDI on economic growth. They use the FDI flows data from industrial countries to 69 developing countries for the past two decades. Their research provided essential information that shown FDI plays an important role in diffusing new technology in host countries, and relatively boost overall economic growth rather than domestic investment. According to another research on (Borensztein et, al.1998) developing economies which focuses on the diffusion process of technology and economic growth, they found out that the positive impact of FDI on economic growth is highly dependent on the availability of human capital in the specific host country. De Mello (1999) uses both time series and panel data fixed effects for a sample of 32 developed and developing countries to study the relationship of FDI and economic growth. However, he only found out little result showing positi ve effect of FDI that affects the economic growth of host country. There are also other research that focuses on the causality between FDI and economic growth. Zhang (2001) and Choe (2003) use co integration and Granger causality test for a sample of 11 developing countries in East Asia and Latin America. Zhang (2001) found out that 5 cases that shows enhancement of economic growth but the condition of host country is important, so factors such as macro stability and trade regime must be attractive to attract FDI in host countries. Through the research of Choe (2003), the finding of casuality between FDI and economic growth shows that FDI is dependent on the economic growth of host country and not the other way around. Little evidence was shown that FDI enhance the growth of economy, but mainly supports that rapid economic growth enhances the FDI inflow into the country. Chowdhury and Mavrotas (2003) use innovative econometric methodology to identify the causality of FDI and economic growth. The research was done using time series data from 1969 to 2000 for three developing countries that are Malaysia, Chile and Thailand. Each country involve with different background of determinants of FDI such as macroeconomic episodes, growth patterns, and policy regimes. Their study found out that GDP was the cause of growth of FDI in Chile, but it does not go the same with Malaysia and Thailand which has strong evidence of bi-directional causality of these two variables. In the case of Frimpong and Abayie (2006), In the research (Bengoa and Sanchez-Robles, 2003) by using panel data to study Latin America between the relationship of FDI and economic growth, they found out there is a positive impact of FDI that lead to increase in economic growth but the research is similar to Borensztein,, (1998) that says economic development depend on the countrys stability condition. Finally, Duasa (2007) which focus on the causality between FDI and output of economic growth in Malaysia and the study found no evidence of relationship between FDI and economic growth. These has indicate that in the case of Malaysia, FDI does not cause economic growth but FDI contributes to stability of growth as growth contributes to stability of FDI. In order to understand the determinants of FDI more accurately, we can see through research done by Vernon (1966) by using product cycle hypothesis which relates to trade theory by Hufbauer (1966). The theory is about the relationship between investment theory and trade theory by using products as they are export or invested. They found out that competition prices in host countries drives foreign investors to seek cost advantages especially labour cost. This shows that innovation of countries to attract FDI is important to improve economic growth. 2.1.2 Economic growth in Malaysia Export growth can be considered as the most researched determinant factor of (FDI) in economic growth. According to Chow (1987, p.124), the export growth of development countries can be identified through the impact of increase in countrys income, non-export production of goods, resource allocation, and capital efficiency, ability in handling external shocks, negative external effects and also total productivity factor. Therefore, research has shown export strategy has been an effective factor in enhancing the economic growth of developing countries. Furthermore, these countries have also testified that export promotion is an effective development strategy (Jung and Marshall, 1985). However, export strategy is not the main determinant factor of FDI that promotes economic growth. According to Ahmand and Harnhirun (1996) research, by using time data series from 1966 until 1988 to determine whether export is the main (FDI) factor that affects countries economic growth on industrial countries like Malaysia, Philipines, Singapore and Thailand, they found out that economic growth and export is dependent on development of countrys policy, and also economic development causes export growth not the other way around. In order to (Alfano, 2004) identify the relationship between FDI, financial market, economic growth and also to find out whether countries with better financial systems are able to exploit FDI effectively. An empirical analysis was done by using cross country data from 1975 to 1995 which concluded that FDI played a leading role in contributing to economic growth in 71 countries which means countries with good financial market are able to take advantage of opportunity offered by FDI. Li and Liu (2005) studied whether FDI affect economic growth by using single and simultaneous system of equation techniques to test these two variables. Their research found a significant relationship between FDI and economic growth which identified, Human capital has indirect interaction with FDI that leads to positive impact on economic growth in developing countries, whereas countries with insufficient technology knowledge will have significant negative impact on economic growth in developing countries Another study done by Hsiao and Hsiao (2006) using panel data and time series from 1986 to 2004 to identify Granger causality between GDP, export and FDI among China, Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia, Philippines and Thailand found out that FDI has direct one way effect on GDP and indirect effect through export. There was also bilateral causal relationship between export and GDP. Lastly, study done by Baharumshah and Thanoon (2006) using quantitative assessment found out that FDI effects economic growth both long-term and short term in the host countries. Their research has also shown that countries that are able to attract inflow of FDI successfully can generate more investment which leads to faster overall development of economy, hence FDI is a major contributing factor in the economy of East Asian countries. Ang (2007) use annual time series data from 1960 to 2005 in order to find out the determinants of FDI in Malaysia found out that GDP growth had a significant positive impact on FDI inflow. 2.2 Theoretical Framework Foreign direct investment (FDI) Independent variable Dependent variable Technology advancement Economic growth in Malaysia Human Capital Policy development Social GDP 2.2.1 Analysis path This framework is to understand the research of the two variables in the case of my research proposal, foreign direct investment (FDI) is the independent variable and economic growth in Malaysia would be the dependent variable. The purpose of this research proposal is to understand the relationship of FDI and economic growth in Malaysia. In addition, Malaysia can implement different FDI contributing factor that can enhance economic growth in the country. The analysis here is about the determinants of FDI and it interests me in which Malaysia can implement and make FDI more attractive to be invested by foreign firms. In this analysis, the information accumulated should provide the key determinants of FDI at the same time enhance the development of economic growth in Malaysia. Chapter 3: METHODOLOGY 3.0 Introduction This section describes the research methodology use in the study to access the relationship between FDI and economic growth in Malaysia. Simple ordinary least square (OLS) regression and the empirical analysis are done using annual data of FDI and economic growth in Malaysia over the 1970-2005 periods. The research was done using annual data from IMF international Financial Statistic tables, published by International Monetary Fund to find out the relationship between FDI and economic growth in Malaysia. 3.1 Data 3.1.1 Data Resources According to Romano (2004), primary data can be define as data that is collected specially for the purpose of answering research question, while secondary data can be define as existing data collected in order to answer different research project. Secondary data was chosen for this research because it is less expensive compared to primary data, and takes less time to collect data that is needed for research. (Romano, 2004) Secondary data has made information far easier to be obtain by interpreting information from primary data and published them through secondary resource such as newspaper, journals, books, internet, and also research reports. () The existence of secondary data happens when a project needs the collection of data that has already been research in order to further understand the research question on a new project That is why secondary data is essential in order for us because it provide us with the knowledge to form research design and also answering our research quest ions in a more in depth scale. 3.1.2 Data Analysis Procedure In order to complete this research proposal we have mainly use secondary resource such as journals, websites, books, and also research report. Secondary resource has provided us with the information needed at the same time save us time and cost. KBU International College has provided us with books that contain the information needed for us to make references for our research topic. Internet network has been a major contribution by using the Google Chromes search engine we are able to obtain various journals and reports from websites that allows us to make reference and understand our research objectives. Emerald website in particular by using Anglia Ruskin University account has granted us the access to various journals that are easy to obtain without any hassle. The usage of less text book is because the library has insufficient information needed to answer our research questions. 3.2 Hypothesis Null hypothesis H0: FDI is not important for transporting advance technology to enhance host country economic growth. Alternate hypothesis H1: FDI is important for transporting advance technology to enhance host country economic growth. Technology advancement is essential in developing economic growth because it produces skilled labor that will enhance productivity and satisfying demands from consumer. According to Easterly et al. (1995), technology transfer depends on the diffusion process and can take place in 4 forms which is transfer of new technologies and ideas, high technology imports, foreign technology adoption and also level of human capital. Diffusion process of technology into host countries can be different depending on the human capital and availability of technology in the country itself. Example, study made by Borensztein (1998) on developing economies concluded that FDI has positive economy growth but the effect of magnitude depends on the availability of human capital in the host country. This clearly shows that advance technology is very important to enhance economic growth at different level of diffusion growth. Null hypothesis H0: Economic stability is not important to attract FDI into the country Alternate hypothesis H2: Economic stability is important to attract FDI into the country Many countries should pay more attention to economic stability in order to attract FDI which can enhance economic growth. With a stable economy it portrays a positive image and good economic positioning, which in turn attracts foreign investors to invest and generate profit from the investment made in the foreign country as a guaranteed. Therefore, determinants of economic stability should be given attention, the determinants are such as exports, and government expenditure, domestic consumption, and exchange rate that should be manage well by government. According to the research done by Kogid,,(2010) , the most important determinant of economic stability in Malaysia is export and consumption expenditure. Their study also found out that government expenditure and exchange rate are less effective on economic growth but it does not mean it should be ignored but these factors can be act as catalyst and complement factor of economic growth. Null hypothesis H0: Implication of policy does not promote economic growth. Alternate hypothesis H3: Implication of policy does promote economic growth Implication of policy reform is important to draw attention of foreign investment. Policies to promote growth have evidence but it does not work for other countries. This can be seen from the study made by Ahmad and Harnhirun (1996) which studied on new industrial countries such as Indonesia, Malaysia, Philipines, Singapore and Thailand that found out export and economic growth dependent on development of policy. Therefore, government should impost relevant policies to attract FDI into Malaysia. Example, policies like joint venture which give opportunities to domestic producer to become one with foreign investors. This way will benefit local partner as they have exposure towards technology. 3.3 Limitation Theoretical framework of FDI that is use to analyses the FDI determinants and economic growth in Malaysia could have been done more accurately with more secondary resources. Firstly, KBU International College provides insufficient books that have relation with this research topic. However, KBU does provide student with the account to access Emerald websites that contains many research journals and reports that is very convenient for our research topic. In addition, some determinants of FDI in the theoretical framework were not taken into consideration because there has been insufficient research done on some determinants of FDI that affects economic growth in Malaysia. As a result, this research is not entirely completed to reflect the full extent of FDI on Malaysias economy growth. Since this research is mainly dependent on opinions of researchers around the world, this may lead to inaccuracy of research because they might disagree with research and opinions done by other authors around the world. 4.0 Ethical Consideration Before the research is done, respondents will be notified regarding the aim, benefits and purpose of the research is conducted and the method that is engage to carry out this research so that respondent will be able to understand the reason of caring out this research and the potential hazard level of this research. There are also no pressure of any kind shall be force for individual to become subject of research. In addition, respondents have the permission to withdraw or terminate from participating and becoming subject of the research. These are the ethical action taken so that there will be no violation of human rights. The identity of respondents from who involves in the survey is strictly confidential and shall be discarded once research is completed unless permission is granted by respondents for publish sake. No information of respondents will be revealed and included in the final report. Relationship between Foreign Direct Investment and Growth Relationship between Foreign Direct Investment and Growth Chapter 1: INTRODUCTION This study will give us an opportunity to identify the determinants of FDI that develops economic growth, to understand the importance of foreign direct investment (FDI) in enhancing the economic growth in Malaysia, and also the relationship between (FDI) and the economic growth in Malaysia. In this chapter of study, the main focus will be on research background, research objectives, research questions and also the significant of study. Research Background 1.1.1 The Trend of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) Flow in Malaysia The relationship between the growths of FDI with countries has been a debatable issue for several decades. This has become an eye opener which agreed by (Karimi, Sharift and Yusop, 2009, p.2) which drive policymakers to engage in incentives such as export processing zone and tax incentive in order to attract FDI. However, the determinant of FDI in each country is different and failure to understand how a specific country can attract FDI will bring difficulties to changes in economy. In the case of Malaysia, in 2007 the economy was ranked at 29th largest economy in the world with gross domestic products that worth to be $357.9billion (World Bank, 2007). Despite the impact of many externalities such as, oil crises in 1970s, to downturn in electronic industry in 1980s, and majorly impact the Asian financial crisis in 1997s. According to (Ministry of Finance, 2006) the growth of economy in Malaysia was consistent from 1988 to 1996 and maintain the economic annual growth of 7-10% per annu m, by the year 2005 the main source of growth was the manufacturing sector whose share of GDP increase to 31.4 percent. The key driver for the ongoing performance of Malaysias economy is the result of policy reform which is a determinant Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) which enhances the economic growth of Malaysia. The evidence here can be seen by (Ministry of Finance, 2001) introducing the Investment Incentives Act 1968, free trade zones in early 1970s, and export incentives with open policy in 1980s has led to an establishment of FDI in the 1980s. One good example to show that the government has use policy as a determinant of FDI would be, The Promotion of Investment Act (PIA) 1986 which gave a larger percentage of foreign equity ownership in order to attract FDI to enhance economy of Malaysia. This graph illustrates the FDI inflow from 1970-2004 in Malaysia. This research shown that (Har, Teo and Yee, 2008, p.12) FDI stock in Malaysia grew tremendously from 1970s to 1990s, despite fluctuation between the years, and the growth of FDI has been promising from $94 million dollars in 1970s to $2.6 billion by 1990s. Unfortunately, in the early 1990s, the rate of FDI inflow has decrease because of the slowdown investment in Malaysia by two main sources of investors which is Japan and Taiwan. As of 1996, the FDI rate (Har, Teo and Yee, 2008, p.12) has reach its peak when Malaysia successfully accumulated $7.3 billion dollar, by the end of 1998. There has been a major reduction in FDI inflow due to the financial crisis in 1997 that affected many Southeast Asia countries. Unfortunately, by the early 2000s the inflow of FDI in Malaysia has been unpredictable and inconsistent, but still manages to generate average inflow of $3billion per year. In 2007, Malaysias inward (FDI) performance index has reduce compared to the inward (FDI) potential index which shows that Malaysia lack the capability to attract foreign investors in this recent years as seen in table1, and the key factors is because neighboring countries such as China, and India has much more attractive offers such as lower labor cost that make their business more efficient. Since the inflow FDI has been decreasing, Malaysia was ranked 71 in 2007. The table above explains that inward FDI inflow in Malaysia were only US $ 8,043 million and it was only 2.6% of total inflow of FDI to Asia and by that time China has possesses the share of as much as 26.05%.(World Investment Report, 2008) The conclusion can be made here is that Malaysias reduction inflow of FDI is mainly because their incentive are becoming less competitive compared to other countries in Asia. Problem Statement FDI is strongly recommended to achieve consistent economic growth and resulting in modernisation in industrialisation and raise the living standards of the society. There are many determinants regarding FDI and based incentive policy is one of them. Research shows that (Lam and Liew, 2009, p.435) 2 main assumption of this incentive are that high monetary incentive allows FDI to be attracted easier and high inflow of FDI might lead to higher economic growth. Unfortunately, incentive is not necessary monetary-based like tax exemption but can be a long term relationship that seeks for mutual benefits of both sides. The evidence can be seen that the total inflow of FDI into the region of South East Asia, East Asia and South Asia has increased by 15% to USD 165million in 2005 but for Malaysia despite the fact that many monetary based incentives is provided, Malaysia still experiencing a decrease in foreign direct investment. (Tomlinson, Abdullah, Kolesnikov and Jessop, 2006) In 1990, Mala ysia was ranked 4th in the world for FDI, but was ranked 62th in 2005 and recorded negative inflow of net foreign direct investment in the year 2007 More attention should be given by government, researchers and policy makers to identify the problem and produce the solution that can stimulate the FDI in Malaysia. Much research has been done to stimulate FDI, but a lot lesser research has been carried out considering international relations because mostly focus on microeconomic aspect of domestic firm performance. It is very important for foreign investors to gain confidence to invest in Malaysia, hence enhance the economic growth in Malaysia. More research should be done to determinant other determinants of FDI in order to develop the performance of economy in Malaysia. It is very important for more research to be done on FDI with international relation in order to identify the determinants of FDI that can stimulate the economic growth of Malaysia and not on incentive that only focuses on profit maximization of one sided benefits. Research Objectives The objective of carrying out this study is as below: To review the determinants of FDI that is affecting economic growth in Malaysia To analyze the relationship between FDI and economic growth in Malaysia. To evaluate some policy actions related to increase the inflow of FDI in Malaysia. Research Questions This study is conducted to address the following research questions: Do the determinants of FDI inflow affect the economic growth in Malaysia? Will relationship with FDI result in bloom of economic growth in Malaysia? How policy actions can increase the inflow of FDI in Malaysia? Chapter 2 : LITERATURE REVIEW 2.0 Introduction In this section, a review of literature will provide us with a better understanding of the determinant of FDI and the growth of economic in Malaysia. This chapter focuses on the empirical studies on the role of FDI in the economic growth of host countries. Furthermore, a conceptual framework of these variables will be provided. 2.1 Review of Literature 2.1.1 Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) has associate with many leading roles in development of host countries such as source of capital, new job opportunities, diffusion of new technology into country, and develop overall economic growth of host countries. Empirical studies have been carried out to show the relationship between FDI and economic growth while others focuses more on the causality of these two variables. Different methods are use by research to find out the determinants of FDI and the relationship it has with economic growth of host countries. By using cross-section data and OLS regression, Balasubramanyam (1996) found out that host countries that impose export promoting strategy produce positive growth of FDI on the economic growth but this does not apply to host countries as imposes import substitution strategy. Cross-sectional data has also conclude that high level of institutional capability which measured by degree of property right protection and bureaucratic efficiency in host country leads to a positive effect of FDI which enhances the economic growth of host countries. (Olofsdotter, 1998) In the work of Borensztein, et al. (1998), they utilize the cross country regression framework to analyse the effect of FDI on economic growth. They use the FDI flows data from industrial countries to 69 developing countries for the past two decades. Their research provided essential information that shown FDI plays an important role in diffusing new technology in host countries, and relatively boost overall economic growth rather than domestic investment. According to another research on (Borensztein et, al.1998) developing economies which focuses on the diffusion process of technology and economic growth, they found out that the positive impact of FDI on economic growth is highly dependent on the availability of human capital in the specific host country. De Mello (1999) uses both time series and panel data fixed effects for a sample of 32 developed and developing countries to study the relationship of FDI and economic growth. However, he only found out little result showing positi ve effect of FDI that affects the economic growth of host country. There are also other research that focuses on the causality between FDI and economic growth. Zhang (2001) and Choe (2003) use co integration and Granger causality test for a sample of 11 developing countries in East Asia and Latin America. Zhang (2001) found out that 5 cases that shows enhancement of economic growth but the condition of host country is important, so factors such as macro stability and trade regime must be attractive to attract FDI in host countries. Through the research of Choe (2003), the finding of casuality between FDI and economic growth shows that FDI is dependent on the economic growth of host country and not the other way around. Little evidence was shown that FDI enhance the growth of economy, but mainly supports that rapid economic growth enhances the FDI inflow into the country. Chowdhury and Mavrotas (2003) use innovative econometric methodology to identify the causality of FDI and economic growth. The research was done using time series data from 1969 to 2000 for three developing countries that are Malaysia, Chile and Thailand. Each country involve with different background of determinants of FDI such as macroeconomic episodes, growth patterns, and policy regimes. Their study found out that GDP was the cause of growth of FDI in Chile, but it does not go the same with Malaysia and Thailand which has strong evidence of bi-directional causality of these two variables. In the case of Frimpong and Abayie (2006), In the research (Bengoa and Sanchez-Robles, 2003) by using panel data to study Latin America between the relationship of FDI and economic growth, they found out there is a positive impact of FDI that lead to increase in economic growth but the research is similar to Borensztein,, (1998) that says economic development depend on the countrys stability condition. Finally, Duasa (2007) which focus on the causality between FDI and output of economic growth in Malaysia and the study found no evidence of relationship between FDI and economic growth. These has indicate that in the case of Malaysia, FDI does not cause economic growth but FDI contributes to stability of growth as growth contributes to stability of FDI. In order to understand the determinants of FDI more accurately, we can see through research done by Vernon (1966) by using product cycle hypothesis which relates to trade theory by Hufbauer (1966). The theory is about the relationship between investment theory and trade theory by using products as they are export or invested. They found out that competition prices in host countries drives foreign investors to seek cost advantages especially labour cost. This shows that innovation of countries to attract FDI is important to improve economic growth. 2.1.2 Economic growth in Malaysia Export growth can be considered as the most researched determinant factor of (FDI) in economic growth. According to Chow (1987, p.124), the export growth of development countries can be identified through the impact of increase in countrys income, non-export production of goods, resource allocation, and capital efficiency, ability in handling external shocks, negative external effects and also total productivity factor. Therefore, research has shown export strategy has been an effective factor in enhancing the economic growth of developing countries. Furthermore, these countries have also testified that export promotion is an effective development strategy (Jung and Marshall, 1985). However, export strategy is not the main determinant factor of FDI that promotes economic growth. According to Ahmand and Harnhirun (1996) research, by using time data series from 1966 until 1988 to determine whether export is the main (FDI) factor that affects countries economic growth on industrial countries like Malaysia, Philipines, Singapore and Thailand, they found out that economic growth and export is dependent on development of countrys policy, and also economic development causes export growth not the other way around. In order to (Alfano, 2004) identify the relationship between FDI, financial market, economic growth and also to find out whether countries with better financial systems are able to exploit FDI effectively. An empirical analysis was done by using cross country data from 1975 to 1995 which concluded that FDI played a leading role in contributing to economic growth in 71 countries which means countries with good financial market are able to take advantage of opportunity offered by FDI. Li and Liu (2005) studied whether FDI affect economic growth by using single and simultaneous system of equation techniques to test these two variables. Their research found a significant relationship between FDI and economic growth which identified, Human capital has indirect interaction with FDI that leads to positive impact on economic growth in developing countries, whereas countries with insufficient technology knowledge will have significant negative impact on economic growth in developing countries Another study done by Hsiao and Hsiao (2006) using panel data and time series from 1986 to 2004 to identify Granger causality between GDP, export and FDI among China, Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia, Philippines and Thailand found out that FDI has direct one way effect on GDP and indirect effect through export. There was also bilateral causal relationship between export and GDP. Lastly, study done by Baharumshah and Thanoon (2006) using quantitative assessment found out that FDI effects economic growth both long-term and short term in the host countries. Their research has also shown that countries that are able to attract inflow of FDI successfully can generate more investment which leads to faster overall development of economy, hence FDI is a major contributing factor in the economy of East Asian countries. Ang (2007) use annual time series data from 1960 to 2005 in order to find out the determinants of FDI in Malaysia found out that GDP growth had a significant positive impact on FDI inflow. 2.2 Theoretical Framework Foreign direct investment (FDI) Independent variable Dependent variable Technology advancement Economic growth in Malaysia Human Capital Policy development Social GDP 2.2.1 Analysis path This framework is to understand the research of the two variables in the case of my research proposal, foreign direct investment (FDI) is the independent variable and economic growth in Malaysia would be the dependent variable. The purpose of this research proposal is to understand the relationship of FDI and economic growth in Malaysia. In addition, Malaysia can implement different FDI contributing factor that can enhance economic growth in the country. The analysis here is about the determinants of FDI and it interests me in which Malaysia can implement and make FDI more attractive to be invested by foreign firms. In this analysis, the information accumulated should provide the key determinants of FDI at the same time enhance the development of economic growth in Malaysia. Chapter 3: METHODOLOGY 3.0 Introduction This section describes the research methodology use in the study to access the relationship between FDI and economic growth in Malaysia. Simple ordinary least square (OLS) regression and the empirical analysis are done using annual data of FDI and economic growth in Malaysia over the 1970-2005 periods. The research was done using annual data from IMF international Financial Statistic tables, published by International Monetary Fund to find out the relationship between FDI and economic growth in Malaysia. 3.1 Data 3.1.1 Data Resources According to Romano (2004), primary data can be define as data that is collected specially for the purpose of answering research question, while secondary data can be define as existing data collected in order to answer different research project. Secondary data was chosen for this research because it is less expensive compared to primary data, and takes less time to collect data that is needed for research. (Romano, 2004) Secondary data has made information far easier to be obtain by interpreting information from primary data and published them through secondary resource such as newspaper, journals, books, internet, and also research reports. () The existence of secondary data happens when a project needs the collection of data that has already been research in order to further understand the research question on a new project That is why secondary data is essential in order for us because it provide us with the knowledge to form research design and also answering our research quest ions in a more in depth scale. 3.1.2 Data Analysis Procedure In order to complete this research proposal we have mainly use secondary resource such as journals, websites, books, and also research report. Secondary resource has provided us with the information needed at the same time save us time and cost. KBU International College has provided us with books that contain the information needed for us to make references for our research topic. Internet network has been a major contribution by using the Google Chromes search engine we are able to obtain various journals and reports from websites that allows us to make reference and understand our research objectives. Emerald website in particular by using Anglia Ruskin University account has granted us the access to various journals that are easy to obtain without any hassle. The usage of less text book is because the library has insufficient information needed to answer our research questions. 3.2 Hypothesis Null hypothesis H0: FDI is not important for transporting advance technology to enhance host country economic growth. Alternate hypothesis H1: FDI is important for transporting advance technology to enhance host country economic growth. Technology advancement is essential in developing economic growth because it produces skilled labor that will enhance productivity and satisfying demands from consumer. According to Easterly et al. (1995), technology transfer depends on the diffusion process and can take place in 4 forms which is transfer of new technologies and ideas, high technology imports, foreign technology adoption and also level of human capital. Diffusion process of technology into host countries can be different depending on the human capital and availability of technology in the country itself. Example, study made by Borensztein (1998) on developing economies concluded that FDI has positive economy growth but the effect of magnitude depends on the availability of human capital in the host country. This clearly shows that advance technology is very important to enhance economic growth at different level of diffusion growth. Null hypothesis H0: Economic stability is not important to attract FDI into the country Alternate hypothesis H2: Economic stability is important to attract FDI into the country Many countries should pay more attention to economic stability in order to attract FDI which can enhance economic growth. With a stable economy it portrays a positive image and good economic positioning, which in turn attracts foreign investors to invest and generate profit from the investment made in the foreign country as a guaranteed. Therefore, determinants of economic stability should be given attention, the determinants are such as exports, and government expenditure, domestic consumption, and exchange rate that should be manage well by government. According to the research done by Kogid,,(2010) , the most important determinant of economic stability in Malaysia is export and consumption expenditure. Their study also found out that government expenditure and exchange rate are less effective on economic growth but it does not mean it should be ignored but these factors can be act as catalyst and complement factor of economic growth. Null hypothesis H0: Implication of policy does not promote economic growth. Alternate hypothesis H3: Implication of policy does promote economic growth Implication of policy reform is important to draw attention of foreign investment. Policies to promote growth have evidence but it does not work for other countries. This can be seen from the study made by Ahmad and Harnhirun (1996) which studied on new industrial countries such as Indonesia, Malaysia, Philipines, Singapore and Thailand that found out export and economic growth dependent on development of policy. Therefore, government should impost relevant policies to attract FDI into Malaysia. Example, policies like joint venture which give opportunities to domestic producer to become one with foreign investors. This way will benefit local partner as they have exposure towards technology. 3.3 Limitation Theoretical framework of FDI that is use to analyses the FDI determinants and economic growth in Malaysia could have been done more accurately with more secondary resources. Firstly, KBU International College provides insufficient books that have relation with this research topic. However, KBU does provide student with the account to access Emerald websites that contains many research journals and reports that is very convenient for our research topic. In addition, some determinants of FDI in the theoretical framework were not taken into consideration because there has been insufficient research done on some determinants of FDI that affects economic growth in Malaysia. As a result, this research is not entirely completed to reflect the full extent of FDI on Malaysias economy growth. Since this research is mainly dependent on opinions of researchers around the world, this may lead to inaccuracy of research because they might disagree with research and opinions done by other authors around the world. 4.0 Ethical Consideration Before the research is done, respondents will be notified regarding the aim, benefits and purpose of the research is conducted and the method that is engage to carry out this research so that respondent will be able to understand the reason of caring out this research and the potential hazard level of this research. There are also no pressure of any kind shall be force for individual to become subject of research. In addition, respondents have the permission to withdraw or terminate from participating and becoming subject of the research. These are the ethical action taken so that there will be no violation of human rights. The identity of respondents from who involves in the survey is strictly confidential and shall be discarded once research is completed unless permission is granted by respondents for publish sake. No information of respondents will be revealed and included in the final report.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Sieze The Day :: essays research papers

Sieze the Day!   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Andrew Marvell wrote his short poem â€Å"To His Coy Mistress† in a persuasive tone to allow the speaker to convince his mistress, the listener, to succumb to his want. Marvell uses meter, imagery, and tone to persuade his lady to further commit in their relationship. This poem has a very strong carpe diem or seize the day theme which Marvell conveys throughout the poem.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In general, the meter of the poem is iambic tetrameter. Marvell uses pauses as well as enjambment to break up the neat pattern that the rhyme scheme of the poem imposes. The first two lines, for example, contain internal pauses that break the tetrameter into shorter units; â€Å"Had we but world enough, and time, This coyness, lady, were no crime.† The third line contains no pauses and runs directly into the fourth, so that the rhyme runs opposite the rhythm of the couplet. Near the end of the poem, the lines seem to be coming out faster than at the beginning, creating a sense of urgency as the speaker talks. These last few lines are the lines in which the speaker talks about how the two should seize the day and live life to the fullest.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The use of imagery throughout the poem is also an effective means of conveying his message to the lady. His references to the Great Flood and the conversion of the Jews are both examples of biblical imagery. The timelessness of the Bible backs up his eternal love towards his lady. The references of the tomb are perhaps the greatest images of all, the images of death. Nothing depicts the urgency and shortness of life better than the expectation of death. Images implied in the last stanza are those of a race against time. The goal is to try to beat time, and although time will eventually win, the â€Å"runners† must try to keep up with time for as long as possible, and actually beat it for awhile with the moment of love. And because no way exists to beat time, Marvell suggests that they must live with life they have to the fullest.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Marvell’s excellent use of tone also helps to prove his argument with his mistress. In the first section, the poem takes a loving, romantic tone; â€Å"We would sit down, and think which way to walk, and pass our long love’s day.† Marvell’s romantic style of writing helps to prove his allegation that he loves his mistress more than anything in the world. The tone undergoes a drastic change in the second stanza, however; â€Å"I always hear time’s winged chariot hurrying near.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Heal The World: Exploring Palmers the Case For Human Beings :: essays research papers

Human beings. We are an exclusive species. Humans are able to achieve abstract thought, while most of the creatures in the animal kingdon have an attention span of only minutes. We are able to extract the purest elements from the most barren lands. We are also able to destroy the fragile biodiversity that has taken the earth millions of years to create. Should humankind, however, be punished for pushing so many different species into extinction by becoming extinct itself? In Thomas Palmer's essay, "The Case For Human Beings", Palmer explores the topics of human accomplishment, the diversity of humankind, and the havoc that said diversity has caused on the environment. Using irony and sarcasm, with the occasional clever analogy, he burdens the reader with his cynical outlook on humankind in regards to its brutish treatment of the earth's delicate ecosystem. In one paragraph, Palmer states, "The only way to...restore biodiversity to its greatest possible richness, would be to arrange for every human being on earth to drop dead tomorrow" (323-24). Palmer's combative literary form, however, is not entirely lacking its own beauty and grace. When he uses human acheivements such as a Bach chorale, man's first journey to the moon, and three-masted schooners, he is bringing glory back to humankind. Although he explains the splendor of the Bach chorale, he still states, "Human consciousness...cannot, in this view, contribute to bio diversity, except by staying as far out of the picture as possible, so as to avoid tainting still-intact landscapes with unnatural influences" (324). No Bach chorale, no three-masted schooner, no Apollo landing, Palmer reveals, contributes to the ecosystem. Palmer isn't a misanthrope. He isn't out for the destruction of the human species. His writing strategies, such as comparisons, distortion of the opposition, and smokescreening the obvious issue at hand, which is the destruction of the ecosystem, indeed tell the reader of his belief in his writing. Palmer writes this to Everyman--an average person of average intelligence with only an average curiosity about the destruction of the species.