Friday, July 26, 2019

The Perspective on Teaching Biology Research Paper

The Perspective on Teaching Biology - Research Paper Example The first one is a book with the title Influencer: The Power to Change Anything1. The second one is a report on Healthcare Community Discussions, which has been issued by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. The paper has an introduction. Next, there is a discussion on leadership in health care followed by a section on leadership characteristics that are important for a Biology teacher. Finally, there is the conclusion part. Leadership in Healthcare In general, a leader is essentially somebody who can provide guidance. And importantly, he/she should be innovative as well. By utilizing experiential insight and specialist skills to help the subordinates achieve their pursuit, a leader can change and/or decide the very way of working of an organization or system (Sashkin and Sashkin, 2003). In this way, the leader should be a capable influencer too. And in complicated work environments, the leaders have to be â€Å"master influencers† (Patterson et al, 2008, p.67). I n the healthcare sector, leaders must be gifted with an ability to influence people. Contextually, Patterson et al (2008) have given the example of Dr. Don Berwick. Dr. Berwick wants to minimize the number of the patients who die or suffer seriously due to the mistakes of the healthcare professionals who attend them. ...   Something similar is happening in the American Association for Respiratory Care (AARC) as well. This nonprofit professional organization is trying to obtain ample and effective leadership development patterns to facilitate the respiratory therapists. Most of the leaders in contemporary respiratory care are expected to â€Å"jump in headfast†, which leads to a â€Å"sink or swim time† for them (Bunch, 2010). Consequently, AARC has developed a Leadership Institute that caters to the needs of the caregivers who have to lead their departments, peers, and communities. In sum, leadership in healthcare is already a field of extensive academic and empirical activities with substantial implications. Leadership Characteristics of a Biology Teacher In the making of a healthcare professional, concepts related to the Life Sciences are very important. While learning the school level lessons of Biology, the learners develop a basic understanding of healthcare. For example, topics like Anatomy, Physiology, Communicable Diseases, Health and Hygiene, etc. form the basic foundation of healthcare. A Biology teacher must help his/her students to learn the subject in such a way that he/she can prepare for the key career options in the field. Of course, all students who study Biology in the school do not necessarily become healthcare professionals. But every healthcare professional should have studied Biology at the school level. In other words, knowledge of Biology is an essential requirement for the healthcare professionals.

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